Red Horse Beer: Bold and Strong Philippine Lager

Red Horse Beer is a popular Philippine beer that has captured the hearts and taste buds of beer lovers all around the world. It’s known for its bold flavor and high alcohol content, making it a favorite among those who prefer their beer with a little more kick. Let’s take a closer look at this iconic brew and learn more about its history, alcohol content, sizes, and the rumors surrounding it.

Red Horse Beer History

Red Horse Beer was first introduced in 1982 by San Miguel Brewery, one of the largest and most well-known breweries in the Philippines. It was marketed as a “beer with extra strength” and quickly became popular among those who wanted a beer with a little more oomph. The beer’s bold flavor and higher alcohol content, which sets it apart from other Philippine beers, made it an instant hit.

Over the years, Red Horse Beer has expanded beyond the Philippines and is now available in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. It has become a favorite of many beer enthusiasts who appreciate its unique taste and strong kick.

Red Horse beer’s alcohol content

One of the things that make Red Horse Beer stand out from other beers is its high alcohol content. Red Horse Beer has an alcohol content of 6.9%, making it one of the strongest beers in the market. This is higher than most Philippine beers, which typically have an alcohol content of around 5%. The high alcohol content gives Red Horse Beer its signature strong and bold taste.

Red Horse beer sizes

Red Horse Beer comes in different sizes, so you can choose the one that fits your preference. The most common sizes are 330ml and 500ml bottles, and there are also 330ml and 500ml cans. For those who want to share, Red Horse Beer also comes in larger bottles, such as 1 liter and 1.5 liters.

Is happy horse Red Horse true?

There has long been a popular belief that there is a special bottle of Red Horse beer known as the “Happy Horse,” which has a higher alcohol content than the regular version. This bottle is also sometimes called the “smiling Red Horse.” However, the truth about the Happy Horse is a bit more complicated.

The reason why there are two kinds of Red Horse beer in the market is that San Miguel Brewery Inc. changed its logo in 1992. The old logo featured a smiling horse on the face of the bottle with a red label on the back, while the new logo has a much more serious side view of a horse with white labels.

You can still find the “Happy Horse” Red Horse bottle in the market because they are still in use at present. It will take 20 years, starting from the change of the logo, before the “Happy Horse” bottle vanishes. You can determine the age of the bottle by looking at the bottle’s scuff level, which is the white band around the neck of the bottle. The thicker it is, the older the bottle.

Despite the different logos, there is no difference in taste or alcohol content between the two types of Red Horse beer. The only difference is the appearance of the bottle. The myth of the “Happy Horse” likely arose from people misremembering the old logo and believing that the smiling horse bottle was a special, stronger version of Red Horse beer. In reality, both versions of Red Horse beer are made with the same formula and have the same alcohol content. Nevertheless, the legend of the “Happy Horse” persists and adds to the allure of this popular beer.


Red Horse Beer is a unique and bold Philippine beer that’s known for its high alcohol content and strong flavor. It’s a beer that has earned a loyal following among those who appreciate its unique taste and kick. So the next time you’re looking for a beer with a little more punch, give Red Horse Beer a try!

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